So, the Phillies' best-kept secret will be disclosed at approximately 2:15 p.m. when players and coaches receive their World Series rings.
"I'm definitely curious," Brad Lidge said yesterday. "I can't wait to see it."
Obtaining details about the ring has been like unearthing FBI intelligence. It was designed by a panel of Phillies officials, including team president David Montgomery, but all have seemingly been sworn to secrecy. Even Manuel and the players haven't seen previews. (The 1980 ring is pictured here.)
"The Marlins one [from 2003] was huge," Lidge said. "You can't wear that, ever."
But, given the magnitude of the feat for which it's awarded, can a World Series ring ever really be too large?
"There's such a thing as classy, I guess," said Lidge, who has long admired the World Series rings of close friends, including relievers Mike Timlin and Mike Myers. "And probably if it's too, too big, it takes away from the meaning of it. I don't know what it's going to look like, but it's what it means that's the important thing.
"When it all comes down to it, you don't hear guys who won the World Series talk about anything other than getting that ring. It's pretty much the symbol of it all. I'm not going to be wearing it everywhere I go, but I imagine I'll be wearing it a lot [tonight], in my house. I'll probably sleep with it on."
Pat Burrell and Geoff Jenkins are expected to attend today's ceremony. Also, suspended reliever J.C. Romero will be allowed to be on the field to receive his ring. Romero, by the way, has been with the team. He'll probably return to Clearwater later this month to continue staying in shape.
We'll try to get you a picture of the ring when it becomes available.
Finally, the Phillies have been invited to meet President Obama, the First Lady and Vice President Biden on Tuesday at the White House. Obama, of course, is a White Sox fan (and a pretty decent left-handed pitcher, judging by his delivery), but I'm sure he'll put his partisanship aside to meet the world champs.
Why is Myers so dense he can't seem to pick up on what Dubee is telling him? Does any reporter ever ask that question?
any idea if Obama is throwing out the first pitch on Monday? I hope so seeing as how I'll be at the game!
You're a real manly man, Andrew. I like that
Andrew: Obama is throwing out the first pitch Monday in DC. The Phillies will get a much closer look at him Tuesday at the White House, of course.
Anonymous: Good question. Ultimately, I think Myers is one of those pitchers who does what he wants to do. If he doesn't feel comfortable throwing his curveball early in the game, he won't throw it, regardless of what Dubee, Ruiz or anyone else tells him.
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