So, the intrepid Chuck Gormley from our Gannett sister paper in Camden, N.J., caught up before tonight's game with several family members of Rays players, including Mike Longoria, father of Rays third baseman Evan Longoria.
Turns out, he's no fan of Phillies fans.
"They are the worst," said Mike Longoria, a California resident. "They cuss at us. They cuss at our families. It's a disgrace. My daughter refused to come back here. She's back at the hotel watching the game on television. I have to take my son to the men's room because he's afraid to go through the crowd by himself wearing a Rays cap. It shouldn't be like this."
Through four games, Evan Longoria is 0-for-16 in the World Series. Fans have taken to chanting "Eva! Eva!" when he comes to the plate.
somebody call the waaaaambulance for Mr. Longoria. What a joke. I guess you'll blame the fans for your son's 0-for in this Series because of what's going on in the stands. Hopefully the Phils put the Rays out of their misery tonight so he can whine and moan from the comfort of his living room.
As if that wouldn't happen at Fenway or Yankee Stadium when wearing the opposing colors (or Shea for that matter.) I've been to all three and it is no different than Philadelphia. Here is a little advice for Mr. Longoria: instead of taking your frustration out on the fans via the newspaper, have fun with it when you are in the stands and people will respect you.
I would agree with him that it shouldn't be like that. But to call all of us a disgrace is a little overboard. A few are disgraceful, but that is human nature anywhere.
Thats BS. I've never seen or heard anything short of innocent heckling to opposing fans at home (or away for that matter) games in my lifetime. Papa Longoria is just mad because his son started sucking all of the sudden.
I have to agree with him. I was at Saturday's game and saw a few things I wish I hadn't. It's hard to convince people that we're not all mustard pack throwing, cursing morons when you see and hear this stuff over and over again. Chanting "Eva, Eva" when he's at bat is amusing and harmless. Scaring his sister to the point she'd rather watch the game from a hotel room? Not amusing at all.
I have to agree with him. I was at Saturday's game and saw a few things I wish I hadn't. It's hard to convince people that we're not all mustard pack throwing, cursing morons when you see and hear this stuff over and over again. Chanting "Eva, Eva" when he's at bat is amusing and harmless. Scaring his sister to the point she'd rather watch the game from a hotel room? Not amusing at all.
After what we saw in LA, I'm not sure they would have been any better.
...yes, they are a disgrace. and the sad thing is, they take pride in it .
i was in a crowded mens room with two rays fans in jerseys and hats....they didn't even get booed...there was a guy in my section with a cowbell..needless to say, he got it pretty good, but nothing too crazy...
Do not come to our house if you can't handle the heat. We boo Santa Claus. We throw snowballs. We are passionate so don't cry and whine like you didn't expect this from intense fans. Don't go to a Yankees game with your jersey on or you will end up in a hospital. Don't take your shortcomings as a father who can't teach his son to be a grown up under pressure out on fans. If you can't defend your daughter to a couple hecklers, you should be questioning your manhood and not crying to the papers. Be a man and step up for your family. If your the father of one of the stars, you should be sitting in a box. Maybe the cheap Rays organization needs to pay your son more so your not eating hot dogs in the stands like T.O.'s family.
It's called karma, Eva! Remember yelling "Boston's going down" (the night before we came back from 7-0 to win) in a bar full of Fenway fans? Or climbing into the back of a BPD cruiser and telling the cop to take you to your hotel? Ya, you're a real class act.
It's just too bad that the low-lifes of Philly have to show up at Phillies' and Eagles' games just to get their kicks by insulting the 99% of real fans who go out for the love of the game. They give the whole town a bad rep. Then, they add further insult to injury by disparaging the people who complain about their gross conduct. They should all stay home.
It's just too bad that the low-lifes of Philly have to show up at Phillies' and Eagles' games just to get their kicks by insulting the 99% of real fans who go out for the love of the game. They give the whole town a bad rep. Then, they add further insult to injury by disparaging the people who complain about their gross conduct. They should all stay home.
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