Tuesday, November 28, 2006


We'll take this momentary break from the hot-stove craziness to address some Phillies housekeeping issues.

First, deposed third-base coach Bill Dancy will serve as the minor-league field coordinator. Also this morning, the team announced it has filled its coaching staffs for its minor league teams.

Ottawa (AAA): Manager-- John Russell; Hitting coach-- Sal Rende; Pitching coach-- Rod Nichols
Reading (AA): Manager-- P.J. Forbes; Hitting coach-- Greg Gross; Pitching coach-- Tom Filer
Clearwater (A): Manager-- Dave Huppert; Hitting coach-- Brad Komminsk; Pitching coach-- Steve Shrenk
Lakewood (low-A): Manager-- Steve Roadcap; Hitting coach-- Kevin Jordan; Coach-- Joe Alvarez; Pitching coach-- Ed Hodge
Williamsport (short-season A): Manager-- Greg Legg; Hitting coach-- Ken Dominguez; Pitching coach-- Bill Bliss
Gulf Coast (R): Manager-- Roly deArmas; Hitting coach-- Luis Melendez; Pitching coach-- Carlos Arroyo

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